Soul-Centered Coaching. You already have all the answers, let me help you see them with clarity.
Soul-Centered Coaching. You already have all the answers, let me help you see them with clarity.
Nothing said, done, performed, typed, printed or produced by Sabra Berntson, Soul-Centered Life Coaching, its officers, representatives, or associates are meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat a disease or take the place of diagnosis by a licensed physician, psychologist or psychiatrist.
I understand that sessions and techniques used by Sabra Berntson are intended only to promote healthy lifestyle and cultivate the mind/body/spirit connection.
I understand that in an IPT session, a variety of non-invasive methods, modalities, and programs may be used, including, but not limited to, guided imagery, applied kinesiology (muscle response testing), NLP, chakra work, languaging feelings, role play, emotional release work, guided visualization, breath work, inner child work, yoga and meditation associated with psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI). I understand that it is the purpose of the facilitator in using these techniques to bring the client to a place of inner healing, and to create a strong sense of well-being and closure with the issues being addressed,
I understand that this form is a release form granting my permission for a facilitator to process my family member, a person for whom I am a legal guardian, or myself. This authorization is valid for the person named on this form, for any and all sessions with Sabra Berntson.
I hereby assume full responsibility for arranging the emotional processing sessions for the person named on this form, and release and discharge Sabra Berntson from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, actions, or causes of action arising from the services received hereunder.